How to process the Hayam Bakak recipe, which is typical of West Java : Blog1

Tasty Recipe Hchicken Bacacia Khas homemade Western Java

Indonesia is famous for its people who like to use spice ingredients to improve taste. Especially in the hay bacon recipe, which is typical of West Java. Especially if you explore deeper into many variants of Nusantara recipes that have unique features and taste to make everyone’s language appealing, whether dry or soupy food.

Looking at dry cooking, it can go through the processing process by frying, burning, frying or smoking. Then for soup dishes, you already know that there are not many forms of processing. Hay baking itself is included in the special cooking category, since the production process goes through the evaporation and roasting phases.

The two stages of processing, of course, aim to make the stalks and meat more tender when consumed. Many options for  processing a recipe other than the typical West Java hay bacon recipe will be able to use this method to illuminate and enhance the taste of food from spices and smooth roofs in the dish.

Of course, you can make it yourself at home with simple ingredients, but it will also feel delicious when eaten with rice. But keep in mind, because using the evaporating and roasting stages, the cooking items needed must also meet the criteria so that they are well absorbed into the chicken coop.

How to process the Hayam Bakak recipe, which is typical of West Java

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To make a chicken bacon, you need to prepare the ingredients in advance, that is, the whole chicken, which is divided into the middle. The suggestion of a jam-bodied chicken would be to use a free hen to make the meat more tender and tasty. Then prepare to taste 500 milligrams of coconut milk, 1 stick of lemongrass, 2 pieces of apricot and bay leaves, 500 milligrams of water, salt and granulated sugar.

After that, prepare 4 cloves of garlic, 8 cloves of onions, 3 pieces of peanuts for a good pear. Also, do not forget  about 1 galangal segment, 1  zinger segment, 1 tsp coriander and 1 tsp of pepper , then apply all the spices that will be used later when you want to eat chicken  . But before that, grease the chicken with 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp of salt and 1 segment of ± with 1 particle for 30 minutes.

The next step in western Javanese hay bacon recipe processing  is to sauté delicate spices along with coconut milk and other ingredients until they form a fragrance. Then first put the settled chicken in the container and wait for the spices to infuse. Just wait until the ziram is passed and the coconut milk condiment is shorter.

When the spices are soaked in chicken coops, grind the chicken until it is brown and continue the step. At this stage, you can constantly slur the chicken coop so that the spices emphasize the taste of the West Javan bacon chicken. If it looks ripe, the chicken is ready to serve along with other fresh vegetables.

Hayam Bakakak Khas West Java ning tadkikot xususiyatlari

Basically, each processed meat should have a specific taste, and this is  no exception for a simple West Java hay bacon recipe. You can try this recipe yourself at home because the processing method is easy, and the use of ingredients can be found anywhere. The taste of the chicken is guaranteed not to be lower than the menu of other well-known restaurant dishes.

With a unique taste, you can have a salty aroma, but still feel harmonious. Of course, these flavors can be adapted to each taste. Especially with the presence of vegetables and chili sauce, you can taste special foods that are eaten with warm rice. This dish can also serve for a holiday or a specific event with the family.

If you  want to see other options for Western Java hay bakery recipes, many people on the internet have submitted articles that you can use as references to their options. Of course, everyone has the same processing base, but the final result is that although some spices and processing methods are the same, they will still have a different taste.

You can get options for available recipes with your own culinary tastes, such as adding spices to further illuminate the taste of Indonesian cuisine. You can start a business by using your own noodle recipe to sell hatched chicken. The unique taste will be able to fuel many people’s interest in tasting dishes from West Java.

Hayam Bakakak has the history and unique story behind his flavor

Basically, the bachelors themselves are determined by the interdependence of their limbs in Sundan. Therefore, the reason why this dish is called a bachelors chicken is that the chicken is prepared to be divided into medium by the location of the thighs that cross as if sitting on its mutual legs. In addition, the recipe for hay bakery is specific to West Java – if it is used frequently during a certain holiday.

Sundan folk or the cultural culture of the West Java region usually uses the grilled chicken as a treat during a wedding party. Later, the bride and groom eat chicken food at the ijab reception for their religious cultural ceremonies. Food is eaten without rice so that the bride and groom eat them as one or two mouths.

In addition to being used in wedding ceremonies, hay bakery dishes can also be used in traditional holiday or circumcision, which becomes a blessing on a day of happiness. Of course, this has become a cultural habit of the Sunni people, especially the Pandeglang region. The hay bakery recipe, which is unique to Western Java, has  been held for several centuries to remain original.

As we know, the marriage traditions of each region are also unique in Central and West Java. But still the two regions have their own cultural differences and ways to be grateful for them. If you are interested in the habits of wedding culture, then there is nothing wrong with using bakery chicken dishes as a wedding boulet.

Hayam Bakak food is found only in some special places

Of the many Nusantara culinary dishes in Indonesia, bakery chicken is one of the rarest dishes wherever you look. Still, there are several well-known restaurants that can serve this dish as the main menu. Many people do not know how special this one dish is.

But don’t worry, because you can still  make your  own hay bakery recipe with the recipe offered earlier  or search the internet yourself. If processing is difficult, there is nothing wrong with trying to process this recipe, as it has a specific taste and differs from other processed chicken coops.

It is important to note that the domestic chicken is more recommended, as it may have a tasty taste than other chickens. Then if you want to do business using recipe hbakak chicken, you should pay attention to the quality of ingredients and products so as not to regret the customers. The peculiarity of the specific salty sweet sweet taste will always be interesting to feel foodies.

Since it is rarely found elsewhere, then of course, it is a good business idea for you. Start with the basics and promote the taste of the chicken coop by opening a grocery store in your house. Improvise your options to  get a lot of customers to western Java hay bakery recipe.