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Differences between Telkom Call Center via phone and social media

As one of the companies included in the category of state-owned enterprises (BUMN), Telkom telephone service centers  must be provided by the company, it is not without reason that a company as large as Telkom is responsible for providing interactive telephone services and digital communications. This is because there are many consumers who use Telkom’s services in Indonesia.

And if a consumer faces a problem or problem when using a product from Telkom, the first step that the consumer takes is to contact the call center service. So, indirectly, this call center service acts as an information center about that disruption. Telkom suffered.

Consumers also have the right to file complaints about services that do not follow procedures, and then consumers can submit reviews and suggestions through the call center service to be used as evaluation materials by Telkom.

Why should every company provide call center services?

Refer to government regulations Every large company with a large enough consumer base will definitely have to provide call centers. The goal is to facilitate management if consumers experience difficulties in using the company’s services.

One of the large companies that provides call center services is Telkom. This service is primarily responsible for explaining to the consumer the solution to the problems that have arisen.

In addition, telkom call centers must keep track of all complaint reports submitted by consumers, and it must not be forgotten that the work of this service center must record all criticisms and suggestions used as references or materials for the company’s assessment.

Risks of companies not providing call centers

There are a number of risks to be borne by some companies that do not provide call center services. If this is left without a solution, there is a long-term and life-threatening risk. So, here are some of the risks of not having call center services from some companies, among them are the following:

  1. It has been reprimanded by the government.

The first risk, of course, is to receive severe reprimands from the government, as companies need to provide call centers so that consumers can make complaints directly via interactive phone calls or electronic mail via social media.


  1. Lack of trust in the eyes of consumers.

Lack of trust in the eyes of consumers is the second risk for This makes it easier for consumers to submit complaints about their services, such as Telkom call centers that consumers always contact for product information.


  1. It is difficult to evaluate a company.

And the final risk is that it’s hard to evaluate a company because it doesn’t have information about consumer complaints. Therefore, in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the company, input, criticism and feedback from consumers is required.

Telkom Customer Service Center has become one of the interactive digital telephone and mail services.

In general, these large companies in Indonesia provide interactive telephone call centers. Usually this interactive service is a domestic call center or a call coming from within the state, because these customers from Telkom are only in Indonesia. Therefore, all call center calls are domestic calls.


In addition to interactive phone calls, Telkom’s call center service  is “developed” and is available in digital form, so anyone can easily submit complaints, criticisms and suggestions to the PT.


Telkom via call center on social media Now the call center from Telkom is accessible through digital media, so millennials can convey all the problems associated with the product through digital media such as Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.


This procedure feels widely accessible to consumers. This is because consumers from Telkom are not only adults, but also millennials who are always using social media.


With telkom call centers on social media, it hopes to quickly and accurately solve any problems or obstacles faced by consumers. To provide higher trust and levels of consumer satisfaction with Telkom products.


Differences between Telkom Call Center via interactive phone and on social media

The two types of call centers provided by PT Telkom are very different in terms of management.


The first difference is that call centers through this interactive phone connection are charged a credit fee by the provider. At the same time, this call center through social media only uses internet data quotas. Therefore, it is cheaper in terms of cost.


The second difference is that call center services through this interactive phone connection will receive a response relatively quickly. In fact, in some cases this can be fixed by the data center provider from PT Telcom. Therefore, you do not need to come to the nearest branch office to overcome experienced obstacles.


Meanwhile, the social media service centers notified by Telkom need time to respond to all complaints, questions or complaints that come their way through the direct message feature. Therefore, the troubleshooting process reported through Telkom call centers via social media is a little slower compared to interactive phone connections.


The third difference is that call center services that use this interactive phone connection are sometimes difficult to connect to. This is due to the large number of incoming calls. So the agent can’t connect to the phone line you’re working on. For this reason, you should contact the call center by phone regularly.


Meanwhile, the messages you convey through social media call centers can be picked up by the authorities. The staff will respond quickly to all messages related to telkom product complaints. If you need special handling, you will receive a complaint number so that those involved can handle the complaint.


How to contact Telkom Customer Service Center via interactive phone and social media

Of course, anyone can contact pt’s call center Telkom, especially consumers who are experiencing product problems. For those who want to contact the call center via an interactive phone connection, please use a smartphone or landline phone.


After that, immediately dial telkom’s call center number 147, and then there will be customer service that leads you to submit complaints, criticisms or suggestions. Usually, conversations between call centers and consumers are recorded to improve the quality of the companies involved.


If you submit a complaint through  the Telkom service center through social media, you will need to send a message through the direct message feature on telkomindonesia (Twitter), telkomindonesia (Instagram) and Telkom Care (Facebook) accounts.


Make sure that the call center account you contact has a blue checkmark, as telkom accounts verified and managed by call center administrators have a blue checkmark.


Therefore, it is not surprising that this state-owned company provides call centers to serve complaints, complaints, criticisms and feedback from consumers. Telkom now provides digital complaints, so telkom call centers can be easily and enthusiastically contacted 24/7.

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